Persistent Market Research will publish a new report this coming January on the global market centering on a subject dear to our hearts at ECI – parking access and revenue control systems. The report is titled “Parking Management Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2015 – 2021”.
We all know that parking space is scarce and the number of vehicles is growing. This causes major traffic congestion and other problems according to the report’s primer. The study reports there is a need for more efficient parking control systems that result in smoother traffic flow and generation of additional revenue.
The United States is one of the main geographic areas evaluated in this report. Included as key topics we will be interested in reading about, are some of the challenges shaping parking management, new innovations as well as forecasts and growth estimates. We will keep you and our clients advised of new developments in this space.
Persistence Market Research conducts third party research for start ups and Fortune 500 companies. Their US sales office is located in New York City.
ECI’s role in all of this is our ability to provide complete parking access and revenue control systems. This starts with the software which provides for payment and processing of parking fees, accumulation of data as well as management of user functions.
In addition, we provide and install the various hardware and components to complete such systems. This includes automated gates, entry and exit terminals, pay on foot terminals, Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) readers, radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders, guidance and counting systems, vehicle detector loops, directional signage, cameras, intercoms, access control systems, vehicle spikes, etc.
We at ECI are sensitive to the cost factors and thus offer our clients turnkey installations to minimize client investment as well as time. We are also able to integrate new parking access system equipment into existing access control systems. Learn more at Parking and Revenue Control Systems or call 847.949.0134 today.