Final Installation Barrier Gate and Equipment
Over the past several weeks I wrote about work ECI did in a near northwest Chicago suburban parking garage. I’ve commented many times on this blog before about how proud we are at ECI of our attention to detail and how important that attention is to us. I want to show you another example.
Pictured above is one of the dual access and egress lanes at this parking garage I have been discussing. In the foreground are two vehicle detector loops cut into the pavement and connected to the gate operator. We then resealed the pavement.
To the left on the concrete island is an exit access control reader and intercom mounted on a black goose neck pedestal along with a protective bollard. To the right on the island is a combination automatic gate operator and arm, four protective bollards as well as a black light pole (although you cannot see the top of the light pole).
Below is a picture of the conduit installation needed to interconnect these devices and the initial placement of the bollard foundations. There are three conduit runs from the garage that lead to the central configuration.
Conduit for Barrier Gate and Equipment
The closest conduit runs right along the island’s interior curb wall. It is low voltage and connects the card reader and intercom wiring back to the operator. Low voltage wiring also goes back to a splice box in the garage in one of the two conduits you see placed side by side. The second conduit is for 110-volt power. The perpendicular spur is to take power to the pole light.
In the long run this attention gains trust from our customers as well as repeat orders. Make sure you don’t settle for less in your investment for parking and access control.
ECI can be contacted at 847.949.0134. We provide parking access and revenue control solutions, integrate access systems and maintain and service existing equipment. Or click below for direct contact information and to use our contact form.