I found an article on ‘Security Confirmed’ written by a security company director in the United Kingdom. His company also specializes in installing gate automation equipment, as does ECI. I was pleasantly surprised by our similar philosophies concerning perimeter gate security.
He discusses the raised concern of business and homeowners for peace of mind regarding access control during the pandemic in the UK. His list of considerations in helping his clients make the right decision is admirable.
Clients should be educated and informed as to the types of locks and control equipment available for access. Electronic locks in automated systems are used to hold gates closed and also used to release the gates to open. He discusses several types of locks currently available in the marketplace.
There is a wide range of options to control access to the property by others. Intercom systems can be used to communicate with visitors, delivery personnel and maintenance workers to allow entry. Specific codes can be assigned in keypad operated systems or timers set to close or open gates at specific times of the day.
I might add that there are automatic vehicle identification devices, strobeswitches for the detection of emergency vehicles, etc.
He discusses both swing gates and sliding gates. There are, of course, other gates available as well. Selecting the proper gate depends on the particular application, the environment as well as the available space.
Other options I noted included gate operators, voltages, concealing of equipment, etc.
At ECI we would also discuss power sources (direct versus solar) with clients and make sure everyone involved would be educated on proper operation, routine maintenance as well as safety concerns.
I do agree with his attitude and closing, where he writes: “Ultimately, you’ll be looking for a good quality, reliable product with good service.” The article can be found at: “Automatic Gates: Making The Right Investment For Access Control“.
Learn more about Automatic Vehicle Gate Systems and feel free to call us at 847.949.0134 for a confidential assessment of your perimeter security needs or for routine maintenance or service on existing equipment. Or click below for direct contact information.