Barrier Gate Loyola Employee Lot 14
Here’s another example of the equipment ECI installed in 2019 at Loyola’s Medical Center campus in Maywood, Il. It is part of the WPS Parking Access and Revenue Control System (PARCS).
Last month we discussed “Barrier Gates At Valet Parking Lot For Loyola In Maywood”. Pictured above is the single entrance and exit lane for the employee parking lot #14. A single lane is used for both access and egress since there is a low amount of traffic.
Once again, it is a simple setup for this lot. A single automated barrier gate controls the two-way traffic. A card access control reader and intercom system is mounted on the grey box attached to the gooseneck pedestal mount. The pedestal is partially hidden behind the yellow bollard to the right of the pole on which the “Staff Only P14” sign is mounted.
When an authorized card is presented the gate opens to allow egress. This is a free exit lot which means the driver does not have to present his/her credentials to exit. A vehicle detector loop embedded in the pavement senses a car approaching the barrier gate and relays for the gate to open.
Notice the guard rail and a second protective bollard. ECI also provided the lane conduit subsystem, junction boxes as well as all infrastructure switches as well as wiring and connections. It is another example of a professional, neat looking installation.
Rest assured, we make that same extra effort for each customer we serve and offer turnkey installations that can save you both time and investment dollars by dealing with a single source.
Learn more about PARCS systems and related components.
Please call ECI at 847.949.0134 for your current and future parking access and revenue control needs. We also provide service and maintenance on existing equipment.
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