Ram Raid Damage in England
Two days ago Stuff reported “Hit on Heathcote Appliances’ Base store the latest in a string of ram raids in Waikato“. Three vehicles were used in the assault that nabbed home appliances and electronic devices from the store.
Several other recent crash and grabs were also noted in the article. A Cambridge sports store was hit twice in consecutive months by crash and grab artists. Other sports stores in Cambridge and Hamilton were also ram raided that month.
The Otaga Daily Times in its article “Seventh Michael Hill jewellery store heist in 12 months” mentioned another mini-mart being ram raided where the assailants used a tractor.
Earlier this month TVNZ reported that a suprette (aka mini-mart) in Auckland was ram raided for the second time in a week and the fourth time this year – “Bollards installed outside Auckland dairy after fourth ram raid this year“.
Police expect youths were responsible for an earlier ram raid in April since they stole ice cream and chips when they couldn’t get into the cigarettes. Robbers caused over $5,000 in damages alone during the second crash and grab the following day.
In an act of graciousness the story reported “The local community raised money for bollards to be installed to prevent more raids from occurring.”
Just the beginning of the month we wrote “New Zealand Crash And Grabs Result In Thousands In Losses”. We included a detailed video of a crash and grab at a liquor store.
Waikato, Auckland, Cambridge and Hamilton are all located on the northern island of New Zealand.
As noted above, perimeter security bollards can help prevent future loss of inventory as well as property damage. Call ECI today at 847.949.0134 to find out more. Or click below to access direct contact information or to use our contact form.