I previously wrote about entrapment zones as a checkpoint in maintaining vehicle gate barriers. In this article I want to visually show and discuss some common entrapment areas for swing barrier gates that need detection.
Entrapment, when referring to vehicle gate barrier systems, simply refers to areas where pedestrians can get caught in a trap while the gate is moving. The implication is when there is a contest between a person opposing a heavy metal or wooden gate, the person will surely not emerge as the winner of the battle.
Entrapment areas on vehicular barrier systems are defined when the gate moves or is in either an open or a closed position. The image above courtesy of Nice/HySecurity shows potential entrapment areas needing detection in a double swing gate installation.
Potential Entrapment Zones
The areas shown in colors indicate the potential zones of entrapment.
Furthest at the top is the ‘zone’ underneath the gates where they will come to rest when closed. Wrap around edge sensors are indicated for the lower edge of both gates.
The above diagram’s note reads: “If the bottom edge of a swing gate is greater than 6 inches (152 mm) above the ground at any point in its arc of travel, one or more contact sensors shall be located on the bottom edge.”
The edge sensors are also shown for both of the gate edges where they meet in closing.
Other entrapment areas include the paths the gates traverse while moving to the open or closed positions, the gate operator arm moving to trap a person against the wall to the far right, as well as the cross section of “View A” showing the gate in relation to the curb.
Photoelectric eyes and reflectors are shown as detection devices for both the gates when closed and for the one on the right when in the open position.
Note: Common sense dictates that keeping people safe while avoiding injuries and possible liability is a very important consideration in your security planning and implementation. I do not attempt to define or apply the regulatory code here and advise you to consult with legal counsel regarding liability issues surrounding your vehicle barrier gate system(s).
I do recommend that you have the entrapment protection devices regularly inspected to ensure they are in proper working order for your own protection. We strongly recommend you turn to ECI for regular inspection and testing of your vehicular gate barrier systems and components. To learn more about ECI programs, please visit our Service and Preventative Maintenance page.
Or call ECI directly at 847.949.0134 or you can click below for direct contact information.