Turnstile Barrier Gates Full Height Two-Way Boon Edam
Earlier this year ECI installed the tandem turnstiles shown above in a near west Chicago suburban location. These are also frequently referred to as turnstile doors since they are full height. Think of turnstiles as revolving doors except access is limited to one-third of a revolution at a time. The equipment was furnished by Boon Edam.
The black back of an access control reader is seen on the post to the right leading in from the doorway. Authorized personnel present credentials to gain access. Every such event is recorded on computer software for managment review.
The goal was to upgrade and control entry (and exit) into (and from) the location. You can see the prior limited access and egress in the image below. Everyone entering the facility would be in a fenced-in caged area. To gain interior access they would need to either present credentials or be ‘buzzed’ in.
Prior to Boon Edam Turnstile Barrier Gate
These new turnstiles function to eliminate tailgating (following in closely behind) or unauthorized entry which was quite easy to do in the past. A second person could gain entry as someone exited before the gate door completely closed. We’ve all seen this maneuver in the movies or on television when a person wants to get into a building and waits until someone leaves.
For all you sleuths and detectives out there, yes anyone can move around the turnstiles as shown. But the photo was snapped prior to completion of the installation. Cage wings are in process of being installed to bridge the gap between the extended caged in area and the turnstiles.
These rugged, low maintenance turnstiles are also available in single, stand-alone versions. They can also be used in outdoor applications. Turnstiles provide effective low-level security by restricting access to one individual at a time. Egress is not restricted.
ECI once again provided a turnkey installation. The only challenge during the construction phase was the owner had to direct all pedestrian traffic through another access point in the building.
Please call ECI today at 847.949.0134 for all of your perimeter security and parking access and revenue control needs, including anti-terrorist applications. Or click below for direct contact information and/or to use our contact form.