In my search for interesting articles on security bollards to share with you I came across this whimsical story on the Atlas Obscura Website. Is is titled “Meet the Boosters Celebrating the World’s Best Bollards”.
Earlier this month the author, Sarah Laskow, referenced the alleged World Bollard Association (WBA) in that blog article. I intentionally wrote ‘alleged’ since the only presence of a WBA is a Twitter account @WorldBollard which has been online only since February 2018.
There is no page describing the organization on Wikipedia. There is no list of members and no way to join. However, some of their posts on Twitter are quite informative, some are very funny. The WBA even goes so far as to suggest a bollard is really what your Dad wants for Father’s Day!
In late May the WBA announced a May Bank Holiday Competition. You can actually see a picture of the “Monoscape Bridgeford Smooth Grey Concrete Bollard” prize which has an estimated value of about $600. As for myself, I never truly wished for a large concrete ball to use as a security bollard or a pillow.
According to their Twitter page, you may call the WBA at 0800 BOLLARD 24/7. If you do call them, please let me know if a real person answers or not.
The origin of the word bollard describes the large, short wooden posts used in harbors to anchor ships to the docks. The term has evolved to describe objects sticking out of the ground on city sidewalks, streets and in front of buildings around the globe.
In our world a security bollard is a post or solid object meant to control the movement of cars and trucks. This ranges from concrete posts to security rated bollards. The former are used to minimize accidentally damage to expensive equipment and access to locations (i.e. in front of your friendly grocery store). The latter are meant to deter terrorists and nut cases from using vehicles as a weapon or an explosive laden means of transportation.
As of this writing, the Atlas Obscura attempts to uncover and share interesting stories and “Hidden Wonders in 181 Countries and 1,451 Cities”. They explore places, food and drink as well as events. You should visit sometime.
Learn more about security bollards and other perimeter security equipment ECI can provide on our Vehicle Access Control Systems page.
You may also call ECI at 847.949.0134 or click below for direct contact information.