Automatic Barrier Gates Great Lakes Industrial Center
The Great Lakes Industrial Center is located on Mississippi Street in Gary, Indiana. The property houses multi-tenant industrial and manufacturing facilities on almost 60 acres of land, over one million square feet.
Last year ECI added some new automatic barrier gates from Magnetic-Access at access and egress lanes. We also wired in access key switches, an access reader, and replaced some rusted conduit with new conduit.
Great Lakes Industrial Center Conduit Work Before
I did want to again point out the type of professional, detailed work ECI provides for all of our customers. Pictured to the left is the previous rusty conduit running from the guard house to one of the nearby automated barrier gates.
Now take notice of the newly installed conduit to the right, below.
Great Lakes Industrial Center Conduit Work After
The widest barrier gates at this location spanned fifteen (15′) feet and featured break-away flanges to minimize damage in case of an accident. Shown above are three of the automated barrier gates at the guard house entry.
The near two are controlled by the guards for visiting vehicles, mainly trucks. The third is on a lane accessed by tenants and employees or those with access control credentials.
Notice the black goose-neck pedestal and support for the access control device. It is on the middle yellow concrete riser, halfway between the barrier gate and the start of the concrete. It is mounted low for easy access from cars.
Learn more about it on our Automated Vehicle Gate Systems page.
We invite you to call ECI at 847.949.0134 for your current and future parking access and revenue control needs. We also provide service and maintenance on existing equipment.
Or click below for direct contact information or to use our contact form.