Payon Foot Terminals – Loyola University Deck A
We installed these WPS Parking Solutions‘ pay on foot terminals in deck A of Loyola University’s multi-level parking garage in Chicago. This is a small part of an extensive parking access and revenue control (PARCS) system. That system also includes barrier gates and gate operators, entry and exit terminals, software, vehicle detector loops, a campus-wide intercom system as well as the needed conduit, junction boxes, switches, etc.
Each station has a large easy to read display screen and payment instructions are readily available. Notice the signage above is displayed in English, Polish as well as Spanish.
A parking ticket is inserted to the left below the screen. Any validation credits are applied and the remaining balance, if any, is calculated. Each machine accepts (left to right) credit cards, coins as well as paper currency. Or access credentials may be presented.
A satisfied ticket is dispensed once payment is made. It is inserted at the exit terminal to leave the parking lot.
Learn more about PARCS system components. Or call ECI at 847.949.0134 for a confidential evaluation or proposal. We also service and offer preventative maintenance programs.