I stumbled across this startling article about ram raids in England: “Cash machine ram raiders jailed for £440k crime wave across Birmingham and Midlands“. It was published late last month and details a string of ram raids carried out by a gang in 2018. Most notably, five of those crash and grabs took place in just a 24 hour period.
Stolen cars were used to batter down 20 small shop perimeters in a the crime spree which lasted some six weeks, from early October through mid-November. Frequently the cars also were used to pull ATMs out of these locations.
A general merchandise store, a jewelry store, a currency exchange, and co-ops were among the targets during the brazen ram raids. In addition, according to the time line, the perpetrators may have also bungled additional attempted crash and grab break ins in the area.
The reported cost of the incidents was over one-half million dollars which included the value of the cars (which had to be written off) as well as the property damage. The cash stolen was reported to be less than $100,000.
But the gang of four males were eventually caught. Their capture followed a high speed chase in which a police helicopter was used. One of the stolen cars, a Land Rover used in one of the crash and grabs, was spotted by the helicopter and the chase ensued.
Two of the men reportedly jumped into a canal in their efforts to escape capture. A third was captured in the woods nearby. The fourth managed his way home. All were arrested, convicted and sentenced and are now serving jail time.
Birmingham is located in the Midlands of the UK and is the country’s second largest city as is the extended metropolitan area.
We have been writing about ram raids both here and abroad in an effort to call attention to preventative measures that can be taken by installation of perimeter security bollards. Call ECI at 847.949.0134 for assistance in suggesting some preventative measures for securing your location.
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