I have been writing about ram raids, or crash and grabs, for some time on this blog. These incidents all involve using a vehicle to smash through a store front or shopping center perimeter to gain access for theft of merchandise or ATM machines. Perpetrators generally use stolen cars, trucks, construction vehicles, etc. in their task.
I found this very detailed video of a ram raid conducted several years ago in the Kippax Fair shopping center in Canberra north, Australia. The video combines footage from several cameras to paint a story of this jewelry store heist.
A white sedan, probably a Subaru, is shown smashing through the shopping center’s perimeter glass doors. The perpetrators drive down the interior pedestrian walkway to a perpendicular walkway. They back up several times and then drive in reverse down the second walkway until they come to a storefront.
They maneuver the car and smash into the storefront in reverse three times. Two perpetrators then the vehicle and are next shown removing metal debris from the store to gain access. One of the smash and grab perpetrators clearly has a crowbar in his hand.
In the next camera view the perpetrator uses the crowbar to smash the top of a display case. It takes several tries to make a hole in the case so it is apparently made of reinforced glass or acrylic. Then both ram raid perpetrators are shown reaching into the showcase and pulling out merchandise.
They were apparently in the store for a period of three minutes as reported through another source. Several camera angles then show them exiting the store. They get into the car and drive out the center using the reverse route they used to get to the store. This was the third time this store was burglarized in 12 months.
Canberra is the capital of Australia. The city is located in New South Wales on the southwest tip of the country and is near Sydney.
Crash and grabs can never be totally prevented but store owners can take preventative measures by installing perimeter security bollards. Call ECI at 847.949.0134 to learn how we can design such protection for your location.
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