I wrote about “Vertical Lift Gates Provide Many Benefits | Several Options” about six weeks ago. Among the many benefits are speed of operation, high security applications, low maintenance and repairs as well as reliability in Chicago’s snowy conditions. As with other gates, vertical lift gates do need to be equipped with protection devices to guard against entrapment.
We start with the assumption there is fencing (as shown on the edges of the above photo courtesy of Nice/HySecurity) or wall barriers which prevent pedestrians from going around the gate. There is then one area where a pedestrian might be trapped when the gate closes. It is immediately underneath the leading edge of the vertical gate. This area, going across the width of the vertical gate, requires entrapment protection.
Photoelectric Beam As Entrapment Protection
As shown above the entrapment zone is equipped with a photoelectric beam and its reflector. If someone or something breaks the beam it relays the gate controller to stop and reverse the gate’s movement. That safety measure protects people from being caught (or trapped) between the lowering gate and the pavement below and also helps protect you against potential liability. This application of photoelectric beams is similar to helping protect toddlers from being injured when a garage door closes.
Monitored wireless edge sensors ( not shown here) are another option for entrapment protection depending on the installation. Any additional potential entrapment zones should be protected with contact or non-contact sensors.
I have previously written about gate security applications and protecting the entrapment zones in those applications. For your reference, I wrote about “Checking Entrapment Zones | Part of Vehicle Gate Maintenance,” “Entrapment Zones in a Vehicular Double Swing Gate System,” “Entrapment Zone Consideration in a Barrier Gate Installation”, “Protection Against Entrapment In A Sliding Gate Installation” (private side) and “Entrapment Protection On Public Side | Sliding Gate Install“.
Notes: Mandates are subject to Underwriter’s Laboratory (U.L.) code UL-325 and ASTM (International) F-2200. As always, we caution you to consult with legal counsel regarding liability issues involving your vertical lift gate or other vehicular gate system(s).
Contact ECI at 847.949.0134 and add your location to our regular inspection and testing schedule for your vehicular gate barrier systems, entrapment zone protection as well as other components. To learn more about ECI programs, please visit our Service and Preventative Maintenance page.
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