Just last week I wrote about two new “Vertical Pivot Lift Gates For FAA Tower At Midway Airport”. The manufacture of the gates used at Midway is AutoGate Inc.
I found their YouTube channel which has this video showings some applications.
- The first segment shows a vertical pivot lift gate in operation across a railroad track.
- A second gate is shown in the vertical position on an adjacent track.
- Next, a black lift gate opens for a truck at a dual access and egress lane.
- Then we have a pair of wide pivot gates at an apparent warehouse facility working at the same time to allow a car to enter and a truck to exit.
- An SUV approaches a gated residential community’s dual pivot gate system.
- Lastly a car enters an office parking lot access.
These vertical pivot lift gates are durable and designed for tight spaces adjoining traffic lanes. By pivoting 90° they need just a small clearance distance exceeding the height of the gate for installation and operation. They also do not need the structure and mechanics required for traditional straight vertical lift gates.
Discover more about Automatic Vehicle Gate Systems.
Please contact ECI at 847.949.0134 for an evaluation of your existing or new gate systems, or for service or maintenance.
Winter is coming, so be prepared!
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