Sorry… this article was originally published on Dec. 22nd and was accidentally lost when we migrated our website to a faster server to better service you. I republish the article in its entirety.
By now you must know I often take a journey off the beaten path, especially when it comes to whimsical security bollards. I thought we needed some more joy during this 2020 holiday season that is filled with shutdowns and cautions against family get-togethers.
As shown in the video above earlier this year KRIS6 News reported on the efforts of a local resident Diana Vondra. At the time her project was to brighten dreary winter days for locals and visitors by adding decorative yarn figures and designs to the security bollards along the highway. These bollards protect beachgoers from errant vehicles in Port Arkansas.
According to an article in Caller Times “Texas beach town experiences annual yarn bombing“
she began doing this five years ago after she visited France with her husband. “They turned a corner and came upon a street that had been completely covered in yarn creations. The trees, mailboxes, bike racks, everything had been covered, she said.” (You can also view several photographs of the work in the article.)
Diana remarkably finds her inspirations for designs and figures at the local Dollar Tree store. I especially liked the snowman decoration. What about you?
The decorations normally go up for the holidays and are taken down in March. Hopefully, they adorn the security bollards again this year to kindle some additional joy.
Port Aransas is just east of Corpus Christie and lies off the mainland in the Gulf of Mexico. KRIS6 News serves the Coastal Bend of South Texas. One reporter claimed the bollards were now making “a fashion statement”. To that I say – Hardly!
Call ECI at 847.949.0134 for your protective security bollard needs, although we do not decorate them in any fashion, whatsoever. We also service and maintain existing equipment. Or click below for direct contact information.