The above video shows us some more “Cool & Creative Bollards”. There are many that I cannot recall ever seeing before, so please enjoy. There were pipe stands, hydrants, signs and more mixed in with the bollards. But, who cares!
The first picture of three pencil bollards is actually an optical illusion. You may think the bollards are pencils with their points on the concrete along with funny animals holding onto them. However, the bottom third of the pencil is really painted on the concrete.
We’ve seen the knitted bollard covers before…
The octopus and cartoon character bollards are cute but I think that the black and white snake bollards are even more eye-catching. Did you catch the before and after ‘guard’ below the snakes? If not, go back to view it since it’s worth it.
And I love the penguin bollards, don’t you? Ditto for the key (hole) and the traffic security bollards adorned with flowers as well as the family of five bollards.
The shark bollards are a duplicate we saw recently but the pirate bollard is really imaginative. And was that really a ‘drunk’ bollard because it did seem to be ‘tipsy.
I’ll ask again. Which was your favorite?
We again invite you to call ECI at 847-949-0134 for information regarding adding perimeter security bollards at your location or for service or maintenance on existing automatic security bollards. You may also click below for direct contact information or to use our contact form.