The seven guidelines in designing a perimeter security system for cars and trucks from this older article still hold true. It was published in 2011 on Campus Safety Magazine – Hospital/School/University. The title is “Your Crash Course on Creating a Vehicular Perimeter Security System”.
Here’s a brief overview of the considerations to take when evaluating your risk of physical attack at the perimeter using cars or trucks and what types of wedge barriers or security bollards to consider.
1. What is the anticipated speed and weight of the cars or trucks which might attempt access? These are very important considerations in selecting the proper equipment to stop a vehicle, and even a following vehicle, from penetration.
2. Attempt to slow down approaching vehicles which makes the goal of stopping the vehicle more attainable and less demanding. Adding sharp turns, curves, berms and other natural physical barriers can help.
3. Use certified, K-rated barriers and bollards you can trust and rely upon a reputable installation company such as ECI. For instance, a K12 crash rated bollard is capable of stopping a 15,000-lb. diesel truck traveling at speeds up to 50 mph. However, they are only effective when properly installed. Learn more about Crash Rated Bollards.
4. Select active or passive bollards or barriers depending on your application. Active barriers are more secure since they are already in place and must be lowered to allow access.
5. Keep aesthetics in mind when designing your perimeter security protection. Consider both the area and traffic flow, both human as well as vehicular.
6. Do future events require the use of temporary barriers or bollards? Some can easily be moved and deployed with trucks and hydraulic equipment.
7. Permanent bollards and barriers can be active or can be deployed quickly in case of emergency. Shallow excavation bollards such as the previously written about Raptor Bollards are a solution where excavation consideration are limiting.
Securing your facility with the proper equipment that reduces the risk of loss and protects pedestrians is the ultimate goal. ECI can help you evaluate your risk, research your available options and settle on a plan comfortable to your requirements. Learn more about Vehicle Access Control systems available through ECI.
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